
Mon, 06/10/2013

John Fennell joins the Swager laboratory as the newest graduate student. Welcome, John!

Fri, 06/07/2013

The traditional Dinner of the Swager group took place on Monday, June 3rd at Abigails restaurant, next door to MIT. Good food and great company made it a night to remember, and an appropriate celebration of the recent successful orals and thesis defense (not to mention the victory of the Bruins over the Pens). It was also the chance to update the group picturre:


Families were also invited:


Tue, 06/04/2013

Congratulations to Byungjin for passing the first-year qualifying exams of the PPST program!

Tue, 06/04/2013

Congratulations to Joel who successfully defended his thesis and became the newest Doctor of the Swager lab! Well-earned cake and Champagne were prepared to greet Joel after his exam.

Tue, 06/04/2013

After a two-and-a-half year postdoctoral stay in the Swager laboratory, Matt Kiesewetter joins the faculty at the University of Rhode Island, where he'll be an assistant professor in organic chemistry. Best of luck, Matt!

Wed, 05/29/2013

Congratulations to Joe A. and Greg who successfully passed their 2nd-year oral exams. After weeks of intense lab work, feverish studying and report writing, they are now a big step closer to their PhD degrees. Good job!!

Mon, 05/27/2013

Katsuaki Kawasumi completed his PhD studies at Nagoya University (Japan) in the laboratory of Kenichiro Itami, and joins our laboratory as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome on board!

Mon, 05/20/2013

A review by Sébastien covering the latest advances in Conjugated Amplifying Polymers for Sensing Applications was just published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (DOI: 10.1021/am400939w).

Wed, 05/01/2013

MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition is one of the most famous university business plan contests, that brings together large amounts of resources to guide participants through the venture construction process
This year, C2Sense (, a team of Swager lab members (Tim Swager, Jan Schnorr, Joe Azzarelli) and Sloan MBA candidate Zack Hendlin, wins the "Products and Services track" of the MIT $100k competition with an entry is based on chemiresistive carbon nanotube sensor technology developed in the Swager lab over the last years.

Mon, 04/15/2013

An important delegation of the Swager group attended the 245th ACS Meeting in New Orleans, April 7 -11. Grace, Sébastien, Joe A. and Duncan gave oral presentations about their research, whereas Carlos, Jens and Derek had posters. It was a great week full of chemistry, good food and fun!
